The intrusion detection application in a homogeneous wireless sensor network is defined as a mechanism to detect unauthorized\nintrusions or anomalous moving attackers in a field of interest. The quality of deterministic sensor nodes deployment can be\ndetermined sufficiently by a rigorous analysis before the deployment.However, when randomdeployment is required, determining\nthe deployment quality becomes challenging. An area may require that multiple nodes monitor each point from the sensing area;\nthis constraint is known as k-coverage where k is the number of nodes. The deployment quality of sensor nodes depends directly\non node density and sensing range; mainly a random sensor nodes deployment is required.The major question is centred around\nthe problem of network coverage, how can we guarantee that each point of the sensing area is covered by the required number of\nsensor nodes and what a sufficient condition to guarantee the network coverage? To deal with this, probabilistic intrusion detection\nmodels are adopted, called single/multi-sensing detection, and the deployment quality issue is surveyed and analysed in terms of\ncoverage.We evaluate the capability of our probabilisticmodel in homogeneous wireless sensor network, in terms of sensing range,\nnode density, and intrusion distance.